OEP System measures the volume of the chest wall and its
variation during breathing, using reflective and non invasive markers
attached to the thoraco-abdominal skin by biadhesive hypoallergenic
tape. The three-dimensional positions of the markers are obtained
thanks to infrared light video cameras with flashing LED’s.
OEP System, with the use of advanced algorithms, also measures the different compartments
of the chest wall, provides the continuous monitoring of all ventilatory parameters (tidal
volume, frequency inspiratory and expiratory times, etc.) and allows to track end-expiratory
and end-inspiratory lung volume variations on a breath-by-breath basis.
OEP System does not require the use of a mouthpiece or any other physical
connection to the patient. Patient’s active participation is not
required, making it suitable for the use in Intensive Care Units,
when the patient is under anesthesia, during sleep, or when the
patient is an infant. It is also suitable for prolonged measurements
and the calibration of the system is not subject-specific and does
not require the execution of any maneuver by the subject.
OEP System can be combined with any other measurement, such as flow, pressures, gases concentration,
EMG, ultrasonography, haemodynamics, sound, etc. For instance, the combination with esophageal
and gastric pressure makes it possible to study the dynamics and energetics of respiratory muscles.
It can be carried out in different positions (sitting, standing, supine, prone) and applied during
situations like rest, exercise, sleep, mechanical ventilation, functional electrical stimulation,
phonation, singing and forced oscillation.
- easy to use and non-invasive for the patient (intensive care, sleep, children...);
- suitable for a prolonged measurement (it doesn’t suffer of drift problems);
- can be performed in any posture (sitting, supine,..) and under any experimental
condition (rest, exercise, phonation,..);
- does not require any connection with the patient, like a mouthpiece or a facial mask that
could reduce the subject mobility, alter the natural pattern of breathing or
introduce additional dead space;
- volume measurement is not influenced by ambient factor (temperature, humidity and
gas composition);
- does not require a specific calibration for each patient;
- provides an accurate measurement of the different compartments of the chest wall
(pulmonary rib cage, abdominal rib cage, abdomen, eventually split into their right and left parts).